Mathematical Analysis group
- 4. 2. Soyeun Jung: Nonlinear instability of rolls in the 2-dimensional generalized Swift-Hohenberg equation
- 4. 2. Eunkyung Ko: Positive solutions for elliptic equations arising in a theory of thermal explosion
14. 10. | Gabriela Holubová | Princip maxima pro Hillovu rovnici |
7. 10. | Stephen Robinson | On the convergence of the Variational Iteration Method as applied to linear Klein-Gordon problems |
7. 5. |
Maya Chhetri | Nonlinear eigenvalue problems with nonlinear boundary condition |
17. 4. | Maurizio Garrione | Traveling fronts for models with mean curvature-type diffusion: an overview of some recent achievements |
23. 11. | Maya Chhetri | On positive solutions of singular problems |
12. 10. | Stephen Robinson | On The Variational Iteration Method And Its Application To Klein-Gordon Problems |
13. 4. | Anna Doležalová | The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Limits of Sobolev Homeomorphisms |
26. 1. | Eunkyung Ko | Existence of positive solutions of Schrödinger-type problems |
26. 1. | Soyeun Jung | Stability of bifurcating stationary periodic solutions of the generalized Swift-Hohenberg equation |
29. 9. | Matteo Rizzi | k-ended solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation |
22. 9. | Abhishek Sarkar | On the fourth order semipositone problem in R^N |
21. 4. | Phuoc-Tai Nguyen | Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with a singular potential: global existence vs. finite time blowup |
24. 3. | Jan Krejčí | Úvod do úlohy sledování více objektů |
3. 3. | Jeffrey Webb | Global solutions of fractional equations via a new Gronwall inequality |
21. 10. | Petr Stehlík | John Horton Conway (1937-2020) |
14. 10. | Radek Cibulka | On ranges of non-linear (quadratic) mappings |
2. 6. | Michaela Zahradníková | Bistable and monostable Fisher-Kolmogorov equation with density dependent singular and |
degenerate diffusion | ||
28. 5. | Jakub Janoušek | Weighted eigenvalues, conjugate problems and the interval of inverse-positivity of a linear |
fourth order operator | ||
8. 4. | Falko Baustian | Basis properties of Fučík eigenfunctions |
28. 2. | Falko Baustian | Solution of option pricing equations using polynomial expansion |
6. 12. | Jesús Hernández | Positive solutions for some indefinite semilinear elliptic problems |
22. 11. | Andrii Khrabustovskyi | Periodic media with predefined spectral gaps |
8. 11. | Yavdat Il'yasov | Can one hear the shape of a drum by solving a nonlinear boundary value problem? |
25. 10. | Petr Stehlík | Vícebarevné cestující vlny (2. část) |
25. 10. | Petr Stehlík | Vícebarevné cestující vlny |
11. 10. | Ratnasingham Shivaji | Existence and multiplicity of positive radial solutions for singular superlinear |
elliptic systems in the exterior of a ball | ||
20. 9. | Nirjan Biswas | Some embeddings and applications |
20. 9. | Ujjal Das | Optimal space of Hardy potentials |
21. 6. | Raj Dhara | Existence and uniqueness of the solution of linear degenerate PDEs in weighted |
Sobolev space with nonhomogeneous boundary condition | ||
24. 5. | Stepan Tersian | Infintely many solutions of problems for p-Laplacian differential equations |
via variational method | ||
17. 5. | Chérif Amrouche | Elliptic Problems in Smooth and Non Smooth Domains |
22. 3. | Peter Takáč | Boundary conditions in parabolic problems and the Heston stochastic volatility model |
21. 3. | Oscar Iván Agudelo Rico | On the Morse Index of least energy nodal solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems |
18. 1. | Matteo Rizzi | The Cahn-Hilliard equation and CMC surfaces |
7. 12. | Jesús Hernández | Positive and compact support solutions for some non-Lipschitz nonlinear elliptic equations |
25. 9. | Falko Baustian | Complex Analysis in Finance |
18. 5. | Jochen Merker | Very weak solutions of linear elliptic PDE with singular data |
9. 5. | Lucio Boccardo | Nonlinear Dirichlet Problems: Old and New |
4. 5. | Martin Fencl | Unilateral sources of an activator in reaction-diffusion systems describing Turing's patterns |
13. 4. | Radek Cibulka | Soft and Hard Open Mapping Theorems (part II) |
6. 4. | Radek Cibulka | Soft and Hard Open Mapping Theorems |
23. 3. | Peter Takáč | A p(x)-Laplacian Extension of the Díaz-Saa Inequality and Some Applications |
15. 12. | Soyeun Jung | Stability of periodic traveling wave |
1. 12. | Vladimír Bobkov | On Payne's nodal set conjecture for the p-Laplacian |
24. 11. | Maya Chhetri | Asymptotically linear systems |
22. 9. | Falko Baustian | Analyticity in time and space for a semilinear Cauchy problem |
22. 9. | Carlos Velez | A multiplicity result for a quasilinear elliptic problem |
5. 5. | Lukáš Kotrla | Generalized Trigonometric Functions |
28. 4. | Josef Navrátil | Bifurcation of steady states of reaction-diffusion systems with unilateral sources |
24. 3. | Jeremias Epperlein | Zero-dimensional spaces, Derivative algebras and cellular automata |
17. 3. | Peter Takáč | Stochastic Volatility Models, Complete Markets, and Analyticity of Solutions to Ito's Parabolic Problems |
10. 2. | Inbo Sim | Symmetry-breaking bifurcation for the one-dimensional Henon equation |
27. 1. | Maya Chhetri | Positive solutions for a class of singular problems on exterior domains |
16. 12. | Jesus Hernandez | Singular linear eigenvalue problems: some properties of the first eigenfunction |
9. 12. | Yavdat Ilyasov | Nonlinear spectrum in terms of the Rayleigh quotient |
2. 12. | Tomáš Roubal | Differential generalized equations |
25. 11. | Vladimír Bobkov | On qualitative properties of solutions for elliptic problems with the p-Laplacian |
through domain perturbations | ||
11. 11. | Iveta Looseová, | The Fučík spectrum of the second order difference operators (part II) |
Petr Nečesal | ||
4. 11. | Iveta Looseová, | The Fučík spectrum of the second order difference operators |
Petr Nečesal | ||
30. 9. | Jochen Merker | On certain doubly nonlinear evolution equations of second order in time |
13. 5. | Jaromír Tonner | Some chosen technical issues of DSGE models |
6. 5. | Jesus Hernandez | Linearized stability for positive solutions to singular and degenerate nonlinear parabolic problems |
29. 4.. | Pavel Drábek | Convergence to travelling waves in the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation with a non-Lipschitzian reaction term |
22. 4. | Gabriela Holubová | Positive stationary solutions in special suspension bridge models, i.e., on the maximum principle |
for the beam equation | ||
15. 4. | Petr Stehlík | Reaction-diffusion equations on lattices |
8. 4. | Vladimír Bobkov | On positive solutions for (p, q)-Laplace equations |
1. 4. | Ngoc Ky Ho | On degenerate elliptic equations with nonstandard growth |
18. 3. | Abhishek Sarkar | On the Perturbed Q-Curvature Problem on S^4 |
11. 3. | Andrej Ronto | On a weakly non-linear system under symmetry conditions |
4. 3. | Pavel Drábek | The second eigenfunction of the p-Laplacian on the ball is not radial |
26. 2. | Alois Kufner | Various Domain Types in R^N and Embedding Theorems |
24. 2. | Mohsen Razzaghi | Orthogonal Functions in Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control |
19. 2. | Martin Väth | Instability for a Reaction-Diffusion System with Obstacles |
3. 12. | Falko Baustian | A unifying formula for stochastic volatility models with jumps |
1. 12. | Angela Pistoia | On the multiplicity of solutions of some supercritical problems |
1. 12. | Luis Lopez Rios | A unifying formula for stochastic volatility models with jumps |
27. 11. | Stepan Tersian | Multiplicity of solutions to boundary value problems for fourth-order differential equations |
in beam theory | ||
20. 11. | Stepan Tersian | Existence and multiplicity of solutions to boundary value problems for second and fourth |
order differential equations | ||
9. 10. | Peter Takáč | Space-Time Analyticity of Solutions to the Heston volatility model in Mathematical Finance |
8. 10. | Petr Preuss | Maxwell equations |
25. 9. | Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita | A connection between almost periodic functions defined on time scales and R |
25. 9. | Giselle Antunes Monteiro | New convergence result for the Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral in Banach spaces |
18. 9. | Philipp Ziegler | Expanding Option Prices with Orthogonal Polynomials |
27. 2. | Jonáš Volek | Reaction-diffusion equation on discrete domains |
20. 2. | Lakshmi Sankar | Singular quasilinear elliptic problems on unbounded domains |
13. 2. | Anoop Thazhe Veetil | The antimaximum principle for the p-Laplacian |
16. 5. | Marián Fabian | Separable reductions and rich families in variational analysis |
28. 3. | Oscar Agudelo | Entire Solutions for the Allen-Cahn Equation in Large Dimensions (part II) |
21. 3. | Oscar Agudelo | Entire Solutions for the Allen-Cahn Equation in Large Dimensions |
14. 3. | Hana Vymazalová | Matematika starých Egypťanů |
28. 2. | Martin Kružík | Quasistatic adhesive contact in delamination - analysis and numerics |
21. 2. | Jiří Benedikt | Estimates of the principal eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian and the p-biharmonic operator (part II) |
14. 2. | Jiří Benedikt | Estimates of the principal eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian and the p-biharmonic operator |
16. 12. | Vladimir Bobkov | On Maximum and Comparison Principles for Parabolic Problems with $p$-Laplacian |
13. 12. | Pavel Řehák | Nonlinear differential systems and regular variation |
6. 12. | Antonín Slavík | Introduction to product integration |
22. 11. | Stefan Siegmund | A new concept of metric entropy for finite-time dynamical systems |
22. 11. | Jeremias Epperlein | Finite Dynamical Systems |
11. 10. | Lakshmi Sankar Kalappattil | Semipositone Problems on Exterior Domains |
4. 10. | Radek Cibulka | Semi-smooth Newton Methods |
19. 4. | Sarath Sasi | Alternate Stable States in Ecological Systems |
5. 4. | Anoop Thazhe Veetil | On Generalized Hardy-Sobolev Inequalities |
26. 3. | Samir Adly | A new method for solving eigenvalue complementarity problems |
26. 3. | Marián Fabián | Single-directional properties of quasi-monotone operators |
22. 2. | Iwona Skrzypczak | Hardy-type inequalities derived from p-biharmonic problems |
5. 10. | Petr Stehlík | Transportní rovnice na semidiskrétních oblastech a její souvislost s Poissonovými procesy |
27. 4. | Petr Girg | Distribuční řešení pro parciální diferenciální rovnice |
13. 4. | Petr Girg | Slabá řešení eliptických rovnic - některé zajímavé případ |
30. 3. | Petr Stehlík | Nelineární parciální dif.rovnice 1.řádu (část II) |
16. 3. | Petr Stehlík | Nelineární parciální dif.rovnice 1.řádu |
9. 3. | Marek Brandner | Modely dopravního proudu |
9. 3. | Martina Mikušková | Matematické modely v biologii |
2. 3. | Gabriela Holubová | Lineární vs. nelineární transportní rovnice |
17. 2. | Petr Stehlík | Transcendentní rovnice A sin(x)=sin(Bx), její souvislost s diskrétním Fučíkovým spektrem |
18. 1. | Robert Černý | Concentration-Compactness Principle for the Moser-Trudinger inequality |
19. 12. | Peter Takáč | Fredholmova alternativa a variační vlastní čísla |
12. 12. | Komil Kuliev | Kvazilineární Sturmova-Liouvilleova úloha II |
5. 12. | Pavel Drábek | Kvazilineární Sturmova-Liouvilleova úloha |
14. 11. | Radek Cibulka | Mnohoznačná zobrazení a elektrické obvody s polovodičovými součástkami |
24. 10. | Steve Robinson | On the variational characterization of the Fucik Spectrum |
17. 10. | Jan Libich | Modelování interakce měnové a fiskální politiky |
10. 10. | Pavel Drábek | Vlastní čísla nelineárních úloh a jejich variační charakteristika |
19. 9. | Jochen Merker | Doubly nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations: Modeling - Blow-up - Extinction |
6. 5. | Pavel Drábek | O citlivosti některých matematických modelů vzhledem k parametrům úlohy |
29. 4. | Josef Polák | Integrovatelnost v elementárních funkcích v konečném tvaru (historické a metodické aspekty) |
15. 4. | Bohdan Maslowski | O semigrupách operátorů aneb evoluční rovnice trochu jemněji (část 3) |
1. 4. | Bohdan Maslowski | O semigrupách operátorů aneb evoluční rovnice trochu jemněji (část 2) |
25. 3. | Bohdan Maslowski | O semigrupách operátorů aneb evoluční rovnice trochu jemněji |
18. 3. | Alois Kufner | Banachovy funkční prostory |
11. 3. | Komil Kuliev | Některá zobecnění Hardyho nerovnosti s aplikacemi na okrajove úlohy (část 3) |
4. 3. | Komil Kuliev | Některá zobecnění Hardyho nerovnosti s aplikacemi na okrajove úlohy (část 2) |
25. 2. | Komil Kuliev, | Některá zobecnění Hardyho nerovnosti s aplikacemi na okrajove úlohy |
Alois Kufner |