Graph Theory Seminar
The Graph Theory seminar at the Department of Mathematics runs since 2002. Seminars take place on Tuesdays at 10:00 in the room UN 656.
#399 | 11/3/2025 | Zuzana Kulhánková | Hamiltonian properties in iterated line graphs |
#398 | 25/2/2025 | Roman Nedela | Berge Conjecture and related problems |
#397 | 18/2/2025 | Petr Vrána |
Every 4-connected {claw,hourglass}-free graph is 2-Hamiltonian |
#396 | 11/2/2025 | Jan Kratochvíl |
Hamiltonian path and cycle problems in graphs of bounded independence number |
#395 | 17/12/2024 |
Christmas seminar |
#394 | 10/12/2024 | Timothé Picavet |
Asymptotic dimension, distributed algorithms, and local graph concepts |
#393 | 3/12/2024 | Igor Balla |
MaxCut, orthonormal representations, and extension complexity of polytopes |
#392 | 26/11/2024 | Stano Jendrol' |
What one can achieve with three colors on plane graphs |
#391 | 19/11/2024 | Christoph Brause |
3-colourability and subdivided claws |
#390 | 12/11/2024 | Roman Nedela |
Short cycle covers of cubic graphs with colouring defect 3, and more |
#389 | 5/11/2024 | Karolína Hylasová |
Bounding the denominator of the fractional chromatic number |
#388 | 22/10/2024 | Tomáš Kaiser |
Colouring shift graphs |
#387 | 15/10/2024 | Petr Vrána |
A closure for 2-Hamiltonicity in claw-free graphs |
#386 | 8/10/2024 | Atrayee Majumder |
Some bounds on the threshold dimension of graphs |
#385 | 1/10/2024 | Hoi Ping Luk |
Classification of edge-to-edge monohedral tilings of the sphere |
#384 | 24/9/2024 | Tomáš Madaras Igor Fabrici |
Lokální vlastnosti rovinných grafů Metoda discharging v rovinných grafech |
#383 | 17/9/2024 | Karl Heuer |
Hamilton-laceble bi-powers of locally finite bipartite graphs |
#382 | 13/8/2024 | Wangyi Shang |
Neighborhood conditions for hamiltonicity of K_{1,4}-free graphs |
#381 | 7/5/2024 | Karolína Hylasová |
Independent transversals in bipartite graphs |
#380 | 30/4/2024 | Vašek Chvátal |
Lines in metric spaces (slides) |
#379 | 23/4/2024 | Tomáš Kaiser |
Induced paths in triangle-free graphs |
#378 | 16/4/2024 | Borut Lužar |
Combining proper and square colorings |
#377 | 9/4/2024 | Roman Nedela |
Generation of cyclically 4-connected cubic graphs |
#376 | 12/3/2024 | Petr Vrána |
The absence of closures of given properties |
#375 | 27/2/2024 | Roman Nedela |
Flows on snarks induced by perfect matching covers |
#374 | 20/2/2024 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Hamilton-connectedness of {claw,Gamma_3}-free graphs |
#373 | 13/2/2024 | Tomáš Kaiser | Nowhere-zero 6-flows in graphs |
#372 | 12/12/2023 | Christmas seminar | |
#371 | 21/11/2023 | Karl Heuer | Even circuits in oriented matroids |
#370 | 14/11/2023 | Karl Heuer | Tools from Topological Infinite Graph Theory for Hamiltonicity |
#369 | 31/10/2023 | Roman Nedela | Map isomorphism problem in the context of some classical problems of computer science |
#368 | 17/10/2023 | Jakub Teska | Union-closed sets conjecture |
#367 | 10/10/2023 | Ingo Schiermeyer | 3-colourability, diamonds and spindle graphs |
#366 | 3/10/2023 | Masahiro Sanka | Toughness and forbidden subgraphs for hamiltonicity of graphs |
#365 | 26/9/2023 | Jakub Teska | Proof of a special case of P. Frankl's Union-closed sets conjecture II. |
#364 | 19/9/2023 | Jakub Teska | Proof of a special case of P. Frankl's Union-closed sets conjecture I. |
#363 | 16/5/2023 | Petr Vrána | The closures preserving hamiltonian properties on the subclasses of K_{1,4}-free graphs |
#362 | 2/5/2023 | Jan Volec | The sixth Ramsey number is at most 147 |
#361 | 18/4/2023 | Liming Xiong | How does the induced hourglass affect a graph to have hamiltonian properties |
#360 | 4/4/2023 | Edita Máčajová | Petersen graph is the only snark fully covered by short cycles |
#359 | 28/3/2023 | Eng Keat | Approximating fractionally isomorphic graphons |
#358 | 21/3/2023 | Tomáš Kaiser | Entropy and the union-closed sets conjecture |
#357 | 14/3/2023 | Vašek Chvátal | The discrete mathematical charms of Paul Erdős |
#356 | 7/3/2023 | Roman Nedela | Crystallisations of 3-manifolds |
#355 | 14/2/2023 | Tomáš Kaiser | Criticality in Sperner's Lemma |
#354 | 13/12/2022 | Ján Hladký | Invitation to graphons |
#353 | 6/12/2022 | Roman Čada | On the existence of properly colored factors in edge colored graphs |
#352 | 22/11/2022 | Martin Kopřiva | Generalized L(p,q)-labellings of graphs |
#351 | 1/11/2022 | Petr Vrána | Counterexamples to West-Wu conjecture |
#350 | 25/10/2022 | Joe Ryan | Furthering graph valuations |
#349 | 18/10/2022 | Roman Nedela | Bipartite index of a graph and Vizing's theorem |
#348 | 11/10/2022 | Tomáš Kaiser | On topics related to nowhere-zero flows, matchings and a project we are about to start preparing |
#347 | 4/10/2022 | Peter Zeman | Testing isomorphism of chordal graphs of bounded leafage is fixed-parameter tractable |
#346 | 27/9/2022 | Roman Nedela | Topics related to a research project that is currently in preparation |
#345 | 20/9/2022 | Hamed Karami | Perfect Colorings of Generalized Petersen Graphs |
#344 | 10/5/2022 | Tomáš Kaiser | Independent transversals in graphs II |
#343 | 26/4/2022 | Chris Purcell | Subgraph complementation and minimum rank |
#342 | 5/4/2022 | Roman Nedela | The Weisfeiler-Lehman dimension of circular arc graphs |
#341 | 29/3/2022 | Petr Vrána | Closure of claw-free, hourglass-free graphs to hourglass-free line graphs of multigraphs preserving Hamiltonian connectedness |
#340 | 22/3/2022 | Adam Kabela | Frankl's conjecture and Cui-Hu conjecture for small set systems |
#339 | 15/3/2022 | Jan Ekstein | Hamiltonian paths and cycles in graph powers |
#338 | 8/3/2022 | Roman Nedela | Hamilton cycles and paths in graphs embedded into surfaces |
#337 | 1/3/2022 | Tomáš Kaiser | Hamilton cycles in line graphs of 3-hypergraphs |
#336 | 14/12/2021 | Adam Kabela | An introduction to induced-saturated graphs |
#335 | 30/11/2021 | Mária Skyvová | Classification of finite group actions on orientable surfaces III |
#334 | 23/11/2021 | Mária Skyvová | Classification of finite group actions on orientable surfaces II |
#333 | 16/11/2021 | Roman Nedela | Decyclic 3-connected cubic graphs |
#332 | 9/11/2021 | Adam Kabela | Density maximizers of layered permutations |
#331 | 2/11/2021 | Petr Vrána | Closure in locally finite claw-free graphs |
#330 | 26/10/2021 | Symetrie a ekvivalence algebraických křivek | |
#329 | 19/10/2021 | Mária Skyvová | Classification of finite group actions on orientable surfaces I |
#328 | 12/10/2021 | Jakub Teska | Hamiltonian properties of lexicographic products |
#327 | 5/10/2021 | Tomáš Kaiser | Independent transversals in graphs I |
#326 | 21/9/2021 | Roman Nedela | Perfect matching index of cubic graphs of defect 3 |
#325 | 30/6/2020 | Chris Purcell | Exclusive sum labellings of hypergraphs |
#324 | 3/3/2020 | Matěj Stehlík | Bipartite complements of circle graphs |
#323 | 18/2/2020 | Tomáš Kaiser | Chi-boundedness of classes of graphs |
#322 | 10/12/2019 | Robert Hancock | Limits of sequences of Latin squares |
#321 | 3/12/2019 | Petr Vrána | Hamilton-connected {claw,net}-free graphs I |
#320 | 27/11/2019 | Roman Čada | Complete bipartite graphs with no properly colored cycle of length fours |
#319 | 20/11/2019 | Chris Purcell | Satisfiability and hereditary graph classes |
#318 | 30/10/2019 | Honza Ekstein & Jakub Teska | Hamiltonicity of lexicographic products |
#317 | 23/10/2019 | Daniel Král | Matroid width parameters and integer programming |
#316 | 16/10/2019 | Tomáš Kaiser | Generalised Mycielski graphs II. |
#315 | 9/10/2019 | Tomáš Kaiser | Generalised Mycielski graphs I. |
#314 | 21/5/2019 | Alexander Mednykh | Counting spanning trees, forests and Kirchhoff index for circulant graphs |
#313 | 14/5/2019 | Chris Purcell | Housing markets and parameterized complexity |
#312 | 7/5/2019 | Hoi Ping Luk | Tilings of the sphere by almost equilateral pentagons |
#311 | 30/4/2019 | Xiaojing Yang | Forbidden subgraphs and graphs with some properties |
#310 | 30/4/2019 | Xia Liu | Forbidden subgraphs and weak locally connected graphs |
#309 | 23/4/2019 | Liming Xiong | Some results in square of a graph |
#308 | 9/4/2019 | Přemek Holub | Forbidden pairs and 2-factors in 2-connected graphs |
#307 | 26/3/2019 | Matej Stehlík | The width of projective quadrangulations |
#306 | 12/3/2019 | Takamasa Yashima | 2-factors in cubic graphs |
#305 | 12/3/2019 | Roman Nedela | A poly(n) algorithm for testing the isomorphism of circular-arc graphs |
#304 | 26/2/2019 | Roman Nedela | Isomorphisms of maps on the sphere |
#303 | 18/12/2018 | Binlong Li | Hamiltonian circles of the prism of infinite cubic graphs |
#302 | 11/12/2018 | Zdeněk Dvořák | Colouring of graphs, Part IV |
#301 | 27/11/2018 | Adam Kabela | Forbidden pairs and perfect graphs |
#300 | 20/11/2018 | István Estélyi | On the Clar Number of Benzenoid Graphs |
#299 | 13/11/2018 | Zdeněk Dvořák | Colouring of graphs, Part III |
#298 | 6/11/2018 | Roman Nedela | Spanning trees, flows, harmonic functions and symmetries of graphs |
#297 | 30/10/2018 | Zdeněk Dvořák | Colouring of graphs, Part II |
#296 | 23/10/2018 | Martina Mockovčiaková | Hamilton cycles in leapfrog fullerene graphs |
#295 | 16/10/2018 | Zdeněk Dvořák | Colouring of graphs, Part I |
#294 | 9/10/2018 | Borut Lužar | 3-choosability of planar graphs with maximum degree 4 |
#293 | 2/10/2018 | Takamasa Yashima | Properly colored 2-factor theorem and its future prospects |
#292 | 25/9/2018 | Chris Purcell | Boundary classes of graphs |
#291 | 15/5/2018 | Jan Ekstein | Revisiting the Hamiltonian Theme in the Square of a Block --- a history and new progress |
#290 | 24/4/2018 | Přemek Holub | S-pakovací barvení grafů |
#289 | 27/3/2018 | Petr Vrána | |
#288 | 20/3/2018 | Dan Kráľ | The step Sidorenko property and non-norming edge-transitive graphs |
#287 | 13/3/2018 | Peter Zeman | Discrete and fast Fourier transform made clear using linear algebra |
#286 | 6/3/2018 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Weak coloring of line graphs |
#285 | 27/2/2018 | Tomáš Kaiser | Schrijver graphs and edge-criticality |
#284 | 12/12/2017 | Marthe Bonamy | Partitioning the vertices of a torus into isomorphic subgraphs |
#283 | 5/12/2017 | Mária Nedelová | Classification of edge-transitive maps |
#282 | 28/11/2017 | Roman Nedela | Hamiltonicity in 'symmetrical' graphs and maps |
#281 | 21/11/2017 | Jakub Teska | Intersecting many longest paths in a connected graph |
#280 | 14/11/2017 | Adam Kabela | Deciding Hamiltonicity by Max-Flow Min-Cut for cactus-like graphs |
#279 | 7/11/2017 | Petr Vrána | |
#278 | 31/10/2017 | Dalibor Froncek | Decompositions of complete bipartite graphs into prisms revisited |
#277 | 24/10/2017 | Martina Mockovčiaková | Star edge-coloring of subcubic graphs |
#276 | 17/10/2017 | Elham Aboomahigir | The domination number of the intersection graph of subgroups of a group |
#275 | 26/9/2017 | Edita Rollová | Perfect matchings in highly cyclically connected regular graphs |
#274 | 12/9/2017 | Peter Zeman | On H-topological intersection graphs |
#273 | 16/5/2017 | Dan Kráľ | Uniqueness of optimal configurations in extremal combinatorics |
#272 | 9/5/2017 | Adam Kabela | Tough planar graphs with short longest cycles |
#271 | 2/5/2017 | Endre Csóka | Kőnig's line coloring and Vizing's theorems for graphings |
#270 | 25/4/2017 | Tomáš Kaiser | On the Penrose polynomial of graphs |
#269 | 18/4/2017 | Liming Xiong | Degree sums of adjacent vertices and hamiltonian properties |
#268 | 28/3/2017 | Martina Mockovčiaková | How many symbols for /k/-Thue sequences? |
#267 | 21/3/2017 | Přemek Holub | Anti-Ramsey theory for bipartite graphs |
#266 | 14/3/2017 | Jan Volec | Bounded colorings of graphs and hypergraphs |
#265 | 7/3/2017 | Shipeng Wang | Forbidden subgraphs for connectivity and supereulerian properties of graphs |
#264 | 28/2/2017 | Roman Nedela | Harmonic morphisms of graphs |
#263 | 13/12/2016 | István Estélyi | On the spectra and symmetries of some Cayley graph-related objects |
#262 | 6/12/2016 | Marthe Bonamy | Reed's conjecture and strong edge coloring |
#261 | 29/11/2016 | Edita Rollová | 3-flow with large support |
#260 | 22/11/2016 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Hamiltonian properties of 3-connected (claw, hourglass)-free graphs |
#259 | 8/11/2016 | Petr Vrána | |
#258 | 1/11/2016 | Borut Luzar | The Δ+2-conjecture in incidence coloring of graphs |
#257 | 25/10/2016 | Tomáš Kaiser | The chromatic number of Schrijver graphs and topology |
#256 | 18/10/2016 | Dipendu Maity | On centrally symmetric maps |
#255 | 11/10/2016 | Ilia Ponomarenko | A short introduction to Babai's quasipolynomial graph isomorphism testing |
#254 | 27/9/2016 | Edita Rollová | Perfect matchings in regular bipartite graphs |
#253 | 20/9/2016 | Dan Kráľ | Large graphs and uniqueness of their limits |
#252 | 10/5/2016 | Moshe Rosenfeld | Selected problems in graph theory |
#251 | 3/5/2016 | Martina Mockovčiaková | Four ways to introduce strong edge-coloring |
#250 | 26/4/2016 | Maria Saumell | Stabbing lines, circles, and the relation to cluster Voronoi diagrams |
#249 | 19/4/2016 | Martin Škoviera | Permutation snarks |
#248 | 5/4/2016 | Petr Vrána | |
#247 | 15/3/2016 | Roman Nedela | Cubic graphs that are critical with respect to cyclic connectivity |
#246 | 8/3/2016 | Edita Rollová | New proof of Seymour's 6-flow theorem |
#245 | 16/2/2016 | Adam Kabela | Toughness and Hamiltonicity of special graph classes |
#244 | 8/12/2015 | Robert Lukoťka | Short cycle covers of weighted cubic graphs |
#243 | 1/12/2015 | Adam Kabela | Hamiltonian cycles in tough chordal graphs |
#242 | 24/11/2015 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Characterization of graphs with exclusive sum labeling |
#241 | 10/11/2015 | Ilkyoo Choi | Progress towards conjectures on chi-bounded families |
#240 | 3/11/2015 | Maxim Limonov | Harmonic morphisms of graphs as 1-dimension analogue of holomorphic maps of Riemann surfaces |
#239 | 27/10/2015 | Ping Hu | Extremal graph theory |
#238 | 13/10/2015 | Tomáš Kaiser | Circuits, matchings and flows in cubic graphs |
#237 | 29/9/2015 | Nicolas Gastineau | S-packing coloring of paths and grids and dichotomies properties on computational complexity of S-packing coloring problem |
#236 | 22/9/2015 | Jonathan Noel | Extremal Bounds for Bootstrap Percolation in the Hypercube |
#235 | 16/6/2015 | Shinya Fujita | Some results on covering vertices by monochromatic subgraphs in edge-colored graphs |
#234 | 26/5/2015 | Joe Ryan | An overview of graph irregularity strengths |
#233 | 20/5/2015 | Bernard Lidický | Precoloring distant vertices in triangle-free planar graphs |
#232 | 12/5/2015 | Jan Hladký | f-vectors of flag complexes |
#231 | 28/4/2015 | Pavol Hell | Forbidden structure characterizations of interval and circular arc graphs |
#230 | 14/4/2015 | Liming Xiong | An extension of the Chvatal-Erdos theorem: Counting the number of maximum independent sets |
#229 | 7/4/2015 | Kenta Ozeki | A set (g,f)-factor in graphs and its application |
#228 | 3/3/2015 | Tomáš Kaiser | My favourite open problems |
#227 | 9/12/2014 | Dan Kráľ | Finitely describable combinatorial limits |
#226 | 2/12/2014 | Maria Saumell | Peeling potatoes near-optimally in near-linear time |
#225 | 25/11/2014 | Martina Mockovčiaková | Generalization of linear and cyclic nonrepetitive sequences |
#224 | 11/11/2014 | Novi Herawati Bong | EX graphs |
#223 | 4/11/2014 | Lluis Vena | Deducing an arithmetic removal lemma from the removal lemma for hypergraphs and its applications |
#222 | 21/10/2014 | Diana Piguet | A density Corradi-Hajnal theorem |
#221 | 14/10/2014 | Kristiana Wijaya | On Ramsey minimal graphs |
#220 | 7/10/2014 | Cyriac Grigorious | On conditional resolving sets of graphs |
#219 | 30/9/2014 | Joe Ryan | Totally antimagic total graphs |
#218 | 23/9/2014 | Ingo Schiermeyer | |
#217 | 27/5/2014 | Laszlo M. Lovasz | The height of the tower in Szemerédi |
#216 | 20/5/2014 | Eckhard Steffen | Circular flows |
#215 | 13/5/2014 | Liming Xiong | Factors of graphs |
#214 | 29/4/2014 | Edita Rollová | What is the maximum order of a planar signed clique? |
#213 | 22/4/2014 | Binlong Li | Forbidden subgraphs for hamiltonicity of 1-tough graphs |
#212 | 1/4/2014 | Diana Piguet | An approximate version of the tree packing conjecture for bounded degree trees |
#211 | 25/3/2014 | Matěj Stehlík | Odd cycle transversals of fullerenes |
#210 | 11/3/2014 | Ilkyoo Choi | Variations of coloring of toroidal graphs |
#209 | 4/3/2014 | Robert Lukotka | 2-factors in cubic graphs |
#208 | 25/2/2014 | Nico Van Cleemput | Graph generation methods |
#207 | 18/2/2014 | Tomáš Kaiser | Hamilton cycles and toughness in interval and chordal graphs |
#206 | 11/2/2014 | Martina Mockovčiaková | Distance constrained edge colorings of graphs |
#205 | 10/12/2013 | Binlong Li | The Ramsey number of paths versus wheels |
#204 | 3/12/2013 | Roman Čada | |
#203 | 26/11/2013 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Forbidden triples for rainbow connection |
#202 | 19/11/2013 | Nico Van Cleemput | On Hamilton cycles in triangulations |
#201 | 5/11/2013 | Zur Izhakian | A glimpse on supertropical algebra |
#200 | 22/10/2013 | Edita Rollová | Covering signed graphs with signed circuits |
#199 | 8/10/2013 | Maria Saumell | Extending partial representations of proper and unit interval graphs |
#198 | 24/9/2013 | Tomáš Kaiser | Barevnost kvadrangulaci projektivnich prostoru |
#197 | 3/7/2013 | Binlong Li | Heterochromatic triangles in colored graphs |
#196 | 14/5/2013 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Duhova souvislost a zakazane podgrafy |
#195 | 7/5/2013 | Edita Rollová | O clanku L. M. Lovasz, C. Thomassen, Y. Wu a C.-Q. Zhang: Nowhere-zero 3-flows and modulo k-orientations |
#194 | 30/4/2013 | Jan Brousek | Traceabilita v 2-souvislych grafech |
#193 | 9/4/2013 | Moshe Rosenfeld | Erdos is 100 years old. Some work we did with my students in Vietnam |
#192 | 2/4/2013 | Kenta Ozeki | Tutte cycles in graphs on surfaces |
#191 | 19/3/2013 | Edita Rollová | Nenulove toky v sikmych kartezskych soucinech grafu |
#190 | 26/2/2013 | Tomáš Kaiser | O grupove souvislosti grafu - hlavni otevrene problemy v teto oblasti a jejich kontext |
#189 | 19/2/2013 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Indukovane podgrafy zarucujici stabilitu hamiltonovske souvislosti |
#188 | 12/2/2013 | Edita Rollová | Homomorfismy signovanych grafu |
#187 | 4/12/2012 | Michal Hanzlík | Grafove problemy s logaritmickou prostorovou slozitosti |
#186 | 27/11/2012 | Jan Ekstein | Hledani hamiltonovskych kruznic v druhe mocnine grafu z eulerovskych tahu v multigrafech |
#185 | 20/11/2012 | Tobias Müller | First order logic and random graphs |
#184 | 13/11/2012 | Jan Brousek | Zakazane podgrafy a cyklicke vlastnosti grafu |
#183 | 6/11/2012 | Mirka Miller | What |
#182 | 30/10/2012 | Jaroslav Šídlo | Vector coloring |
#181 | 23/10/2012 | Anita Abildgaard Sillasen | Some problems related to the Degree/Diameter Problem |
#180 | 16/10/2012 | Arthur Hoffmann Ostenhof | On Problems related to the Circuit Double Cover Conjecture |
#179 | 2/10/2012 | Přemek Holub | Referat o barevnosti claw-free grafu bez velkych uplnych podgrafu |
#178 | 25/9/2012 | Tomáš Kaiser | Algebraicke souvislosti vety o ctyrech barvach |
#177 | 15/5/2012 | Mirka Miller | Open Problems in the Degree/Diameter Problem, Part II |
#176 | 9/5/2012 | Thomas Kalinowski | Maximal antichains in the Boolean lattice |
#175 | 2/5/2012 | Dominique Buset | Some topics related to the degree/diameter problem |
#174 | 24/4/2012 | Moshe Rosenfeld | The Odd-Distance Graph |
#173 | 17/4/2012 | Přemek Holub | Maximalni podgrafy s omezenim na stupen a diametr |
#172 | 10/4/2012 | Roman Glebov | Conflict-free coloring of graphs |
#171 | 3/4/2012 | Roman Čada | Nejdelsi kruznice ve 2-faktorech |
#170 | 13/3/2012 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Distancne lokalne nesouvisle grafy |
#169 | 6/3/2012 | Giuseppe Mazzuoccolo | Covering a graph with matchings of fixed size |
#168 | 28/2/2012 | Tomáš Kaiser | Podrozdeleni Petersenova grafu v permutacnich grafech |
#167 | 14/2/2012 | Riste Škrekovski | Some recent results on fullerene graphs |
#166 | 6/12/2011 | Šárka Petříčková | Vrcholové barvení frakcionálních mocnin grafu |
#165 | 16/12/2011 | Jan Vaněk | Programování s CUDA |
#164 | 29/11/2011 | Petr Vrána | Tutteovy kružnice v 4-souvislých hranových grafech |
#163 | 22/11/2011 | Andrew Treglown | Embedding spanning bipartite graphs of small bandwidth |
#162 | 1/11/2011 | Jiří Fiala | Problém k-na-cestě na spáruprostých grafech |
#161 | 25/10/2011 | Mirka Miller | Open Problems in the Degree/Diameter Problem Area |
#160 | 18/10/2011 | Tomáš Kaiser | Referát o článku C. Payana a M. Sakarovitche o indukovaných stromech v cyklicky 4-souvislých kubických grafech z roku 1975 |
#159 | 11/10/2011 | Joe Ryan | Exclusive sum labellings of trees |
#158 | 4/10/2011 | Mirka Miller | Extremal graphs with forbidden cycles |
#157 | 20/9/2011 | Tomáš Kaiser | Duhová souvislost 2-souvislých grafů |
#156 | 12/4/2011 | Moshe Rosenfeld | The odd distance graph |
#155 | 5/4/2011 | Petr Vrána | Uzávěr pro 1-hamiltonovskou souvislost |
#154 | 29/3/2011 | Mirka Miller | Latest Results in the Degree/Diameter Problem |
#153 | 20/3/2011 | Demetres Christofides | Hamilton cycles in dense vertex transitive graphs |
#152 | 15/3/2011 | Ross Kang | Improper choosability and Property B |
#151 | 1/3/2011 | Shuya Chiba | 2-factors of claw-free graphs |
#150 | 22/2/2011 | Matěj Stehlík | Simultální barvení rovinných grafů |
#149 | 26/1/2011 | Guillermo Pineda Villavicencio | Hamiltonicity of Cayley and vertex-transitive graphs and certain graph covers |
#148 | 14/12/2010 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Stabilita a stabilizátory |
#147 | 23/11/2010 | Radek Slíva | Antimagické číslování grafů |
#146 | 30/11/2010 | Petr Vrána | S-hamiltonovská souvislost hranových grafů |
#145 | 16/11/2010 | Khikmat Saburov | Hamiltonovské vlastnosti 3-souvislých claw-free grafů |
#144 | 2/11/2010 | Šárka Petříčková | Online Ramseyova teorie |
#143 | 26/10/2010 | Ingo Schiermeyer | Rainbow connectivity of graphs |
#142 | 19/10/2010 | Tomáš Kaiser | Vertex suppression in 3-connected graphs |
#141 | 12/10/2010 | Přemek Holub | Rainbow Connection |
#140 | 21/9/2010 | Oudone Phanalasy | Completely separating systems and antimagic labeling of regular and non-regular graphs |
#139 | 4/5/2010 | V. Jungic | Some open problems in combinatorics |
#138 | 27/4/2010 | Ondřej Rucký | M. Chudnovski, A. O. Fradkin: An approximate version of Hadwiger's conjecture for claw-free graphs II |
#137 | 20/4/2010 | Ondřej Rucký | M. Chudnovski, A. O. Fradkin: An approximate version of Hadwiger's conjecture for claw-free graphs |
#136 | 16/3/2010 | Petr Vrána | Hamiltonovská souvislost 3-souvislých claw-free grafů |
#135 | 6/4/2010 | Přemek Holub | Interlace polynom speciálních tříd grafů I |
#134 | 13/4/2010 | Přemek Holub | Interlace polynom speciálních tříd grafů II |
#133 | 2/3/2010 | Milan Petrík | Asociativita úplně uspořádáných monoidů z pohledu web geometry |
#132 | 23/2/2010 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Zobecněná sluníčka a stabilita dědičných tříd |
#131 | 3/11/2009 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Zakazáné podgrafy pro hamiltonovskou souvislost |
#130 | 10/11/2009 | Jan Ekstein, Přemek Holub | Pakovací barvení grafů |
#129 | 20/10/2009 | Roman Čada | Vizingova hypotéza o dominanci grafových součinů |
#128 | 13/10/2009 | Daniel Král' | Removal lemma pro soustavy lineárnich rovnic |
#127 | 6/10/2009 | Petr Vrána | O uzávěru claw-free grafů zachovávající hamiltonovskou souvislost |
#126 | 22/9/2009 | Tomáš Kaiser | Hamiltonovské kružnice v 5-souvislých hranových grafech |
#125 | 15/9/2009 | Liming Xiong | The branch-bond concept and graph properties |
#124 | 24/6/2009 | Bharati Rajan | On Minimum Metric Dimension of Architectures |
#123 | 24/6/2009 | Indra Rajasingh | Exact Wirelength of an Embedding |
#122 | 12/5/2009 | Tomáš Kaiser | Diracova věta pro k-trestles |
#121 | 5/5/2009 | Jan Brousek | Vybrana témata z teorie grafů |
#120 | 28/4/2009 | Roman Čada | Úvod do komplexnější komplexity - polynomiální hierarchie |
#119 | 21/4/2009 | Josef Weinreb | Nezastupitelná role indukované P4 v teorii grafů |
#118 | 14/4/2009 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Vyplývá z Thomassenovy hypotézy P=NP? |
#117 | 31/3/2009 | Khikmat Saburov | Uzávěr a zakázané podgrafy pro 2-faktory |
#116 | 17/3/2009 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Uzávěr pro 2-faktory v claw-free grafech |
#115 | 10/3/2009 | Kiyoshi Yoshimoto | Claw-free graphs and 2-factors that separate independent vertices |
#114 | 3/3/2009 | Andrew King | Bounding the chromatic number of claw-free graphs |
#113 | 24/2/2009 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | O NP-úplnosti Hamiltonovského indexu grafů |
#112 | 9/12/2008 | R. Erman | Long cycles in fullerenes |
#111 | 2/12/2008 | Roman Čada | O rozdělování grafu cestou |
#110 | 18/11/2008 | Radek Slíva | List Coloring Conjecture |
#109 | 11/11/2008 | Petr Vrána | Hranové grafy multigrafu a jednoznačnost originálu |
#108 | 4/11/2008 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | O jednoznačnosti uzávěrových operací |
#107 | 21/10/2008 | Dalibor Fronček | Magic type labelings and incomplete round robin tournaments |
#106 | 30/9/2008 | Tomáš Kaiser | Silný chromatický index grafu |
#105 | 13/5/2008 | Jan Ekstein | Referát k článku: A. D. King, B. A. Reed and A. Vetta: An upper bound for the chromatic number of line graphs |
#104 | 29/4/2008 | S. Petříčková a M. Bizzarri | Grafové hry |
#103 | 22/4/2008 | Khikmat Saburov | Referát k článku: M. Chudnovsky, P. Seymour: The roots of the independence polynomial of a claw-free graph |
#102 | 15/4/2008 | Přemek Holub | Distanční barevnost grafu |
#101 | 8/4/2008 | Tomáš Kaiser | Intervalové barvení bipartitiních grafů |
#100 | 25/3/2008 | Roman Kužel | Referát o článku: M.N. Ellingham, X. Zha, Y. Zhang: Spanning 2-trails from degree sum conditions |
#99 | 11/3/2008 | Jan Ekstein | Hamiltonovské kružnice v mocninách grafů a jejich vztah k blokovým stromům |
#98 | 12/2/2008 | Daniel Král' | Fullereny - grafy ve službách chemie |
#97 | 26/2/2008 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Vlastnosti Cl2 uzávěru v claw-free grafech II |
#96 | 19/2/2008 | Petr Vrána | Vlastnosti Cl2 uzávěru v claw-free grafech I |
#95 | 4/3/2008 | Ruslan Gumerov | Hamiltonicita CN_{i,j,k}-free grafů |
#94 | 11/12/2007 | Tomáš Kaiser | Disjunktní Hamiltonovské kružnice v hvězdových grafech |
#93 | 4/12/2007 | Jakub Teska | Referat k clanku S. Wina II: On a connection between the existence of k-trees and the toughness of a graph |
#92 | 27/11/2007 | Jakub Teska | Referat k clanku S. Wina: On a connection between the existence of k-trees and the toughness of a graph |
#91 | 6/11/2007 | Jan Brousek | 2,4-faktory v claw-free grafech |
#90 | 30/10/2007 | Khikmat Saburov | Úvodní referát k článku: M. Chudnovsky and P. Seymour: The structure of claw-free graphs II |
#89 | 23/10/2007 | Khikmat Saburov | Úvodní referát k článku: M. Chudnovsky and P. Seymour: The structure of claw-free graphs |
#88 | 16/10/2007 | Jakub Teska | New results on trestles |
#87 | 2/10/2007 | Guillermo Pineda-Villavicencio | New results on the degree/diameter and other related problems |
#86 | 25/9/2007 | Snaming Zhou | Classification of a family of finite symmetric graphs |
#85 | 24/4/2007 | Jakub Teska | Toughness treshold for the existence of a 2-walk in K_4-minor free graphs |
#84 | 10/4/2007 | J. Basl, V. Skocil, J. Tupa | Možnosti aplikace teorie grafů a diskrétní optimalizace pro řízení technologických a diagnostických procesů v elektrotechnice |
#83 | 17/4/2007 | Jan Brousek | Minimální claw-free grafy |
#82 | 3/4/2007 | Petr Vrána | Kvazi-hranové grafy a uzávěr |
#81 | 27/3/2007 | S. Petříčková, M. Bizzarri | Hry na grafech |
#80 | 20/3/2007 | Ruslan Gumerov | Aplety pro demosntraci grafových algoritmů |
#79 | 13/3/2007 | Roman Čada | Optimalizace rozsáhlých úloh |
#78 | 6/3/2007 | Ondřej Rucký | Ergodická teorie a souvislost s kombinatorickou teorií čísel II |
#77 | 27/2/2007 | Ondřej Rucký | Ergodická teorie a souvislost s kombinatorickou teorií čísel I |
#76 | 13/2/2007 | Tomáš Kaiser | Základy Ramseyovy teorie |
#75 | 12/12/2006 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Dva zajímavé problémy v hamiltonovské teorii grafů |
#74 | 5/12/2006 | Roman Kužel | A Closure Concept in K_{1,r}-free Graphs |
#73 | 4/12/2006 | prof. Jiří Matoušek | Voroneho diagramy s neutralní zónou |
#72 | 28/11/2006 | Tomáš Kaiser | Perfektní párováni s prázdným průnikem |
#71 | 21/11/2006 | Roman Čada | Transformace kubických grafů a otevřené problémy jejich faktorizaci |
#70 | 20/2/2007 | Jana Flašková | Ultrafiltry a malé množiny |
#69 | 14/11/2006 | Ondřej Rucký | Duhovost hypergrafu |
#68 | 7/11/2006 | Petr Vrána | Nepancyklické grafy s úplným uzávěrem |
#67 | 24/10/2006 | Jianmin Tang | Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm for the Degree-Diameter Problem |
#66 | 24/10/2006 | Guillermo Pineda-Villavicensio | On the degree/diameter problem for both bipartite and non-bipartite graphs |
#65 | 3/10/2006 | Jan Brousek | Hamiltonicita a zakázané podgrafy |
#64 | 18/5/2006 | Ruslan Gumerov | Kontrahovatelné podgrafy a zakázané indukované podgrafy |
#63 | 4/5/2006 | Jan Ekštein | Hamiltonovské kružnice v mocninách grafu |
#62 | 29/3/2006 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Maximal nontraceable graphs |
#61 | 16/3/2006 | Roman Kužel | k-walks in bridgeless graphs |
#60 | 23/3/2006 | Jan Brousek | Zobecněné Claw-free grafy |
#59 | 9/3/2006 | Přemysl Holub | 2-distanční barvení kartézského produktu grafu |
#58 | 2/3/2006 | Roman Čada | Faktory v kubických grafech |
#57 | 23/2/2006 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Arbirtatily Vertex Decomposable Graphs |
#56 | 16/2/2006 | Sylwia Cichacz | Decompositions of graphs into closed trails of even size |
#55 | 26/1/2006 | Stanislav Jendroľ | Duhovost semiregularných rovinných grafov |
#54 | 9/1/2006 | Joe Ryan | Structure and Properties of Eccentric Digraphs |
#53 | 9/1/2006 | Mirka Miller | Security Problem of Statistical Databases and Combinatorics of Finite Sets |
#52 | 14/12/2005 | Vrána Petr | Dominujicí kružnice a podgrafy |
#51 | 30/11/2005 | Kužel Roman | Trestly v grafech bez K(1,r) |
#50 | 16/11/2005 | Čada Roman | Optimalizace meziměstské autobusové dopravy |
#49 | 2/11/2005 | Ryjáček Zdeněk | Zakázané dvojice indukovaných podgrafů pro existenci 2-faktoru |
#48 | 26/10/2005 | Kaiser Tomáš | Perfektní párování v kubických grafech a Berge-Fulkersonova hypotéza |
#47 | 12/10/2005 | Holub Přemysl | Stabilní dvojice pro hranový uzávěr II. |
#46 | 5/10/2005 | Holub Přemysl | Stabilní dvojice pro hranový uzávěr I. |
#45 | 18/5/2005 | Roman Čada | Stabilita hamiltonovského hranolu při claw-free uzávěru |
#44 | 4/5/2005 | Riste Škrekovski | Coloring the square of planar graphs |
#43 | 27/4/2005 | prof. Mayer | Teorie grafů a elektrické obvody II |
#42 | 20/4/2005 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Teorie grafů a elektrické obvody |
#41 | 16/4/2005 | Tomáš Kaiser | Nezávislé systémy reprezentantů |
#40 | 30/3/2005 | Ondřej Rucký | Cesty v orientovaných grafech |
#39 | 23/3/2005 | Teska Jakub | 2-sledy v chordálních grafech |
#38 | 16/3/2005 | Jan Borusek, Přemek Holub | Modifikace Claw-free uzávěru |
#37 | 2/3/2005 | Zdeňek Ryjáček | 3-trestles in 2-connected claw free graphs |
#36 | 16/2/2005 | Jungic Veselin | On Brown's conjecture on accessible sets |
#35 | 7/1/2005 | Joe Ryan | The Train Marshalling Problem |
#34 | 7/1/2005 | Mirka Miller | Optimal Networks |
#33 | 15/12/2004 | Petr Vrána | Dominující kružnice v A-kontrahovatelných grafech |
#32 | 24/11/2004 | Francois Genest | Covering stable set of black vertices in some simple graphs |
#31 | 3/11/2004 | Jan Brousek | Distanční lokální souvislost grafů |
#30 | 27/10/2004 | Tomáš Kaiser | Cykly a řezy v grafech |
#29 | 20/10/2004 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Chybějící délky kružnic v grafech s úplným uzávěrem |
#28 | 6/10/2004 | Ingo Schiermeyer | Colorings of graphs |
#27 | 28/4/2004 | Jakub Teska | Kostry v grafech |
#26 | 21/4/2004 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Kostry s malým počtem uzlů vyššího stupně v k-tuhých grafech. |
#25 | 24/3/2004 | Milan Kučera | Výukové applety pro diskrétní matematiku |
#24 | 31/3/2004 | Zdeněk Ryjáček | Výukové applety pro diskrétni matematiku |
#23 | 7/4/2004 | Přemysl Holub | Hamiltonian index, part I. |
#22 | 14/4/2004 | Přemysl Holub | Hamiltonian index, part II. |
#21 | 17/3/2004 | Libuše Tesková | Grafy s celými vlastnimi cisly |
#20 | 10/3/2004 | Jakub Teska | článek Splitting and contractible edges... (A. Saito), část II. |
#19 | 3/3/2004 | Jakub Teska | článek Splitting and contractible edges... (A. Saito) |
#18 | 10/11/2003 | Premysl Holub | Barevnost claw-free grafu |
#17 | 3/11/2003 | Roman Čada | Kosterní grafy |
#16 | 20/10/2003 | Tomáš Kaiser | Kruhová barevnost hranových grafů |
#15 | 13/10/2003 | Jan Brousek | Stabilita C,E-free grafů |
#14 | 6/10/2003 | Jakub Teska | Diplomová práce |
#13 | 25/4/2003 | Tomáš Kaiser | Discharging a barvení rovinných grafů |
#12 | 14/3/2003 | Libuše Tesková | Vlastní čísla grafů - dokončení |
#11 | 7/3/2003 | Libuše Tesková | Vlastní čísla grafů |
#10 | 19/12/2002 | Roman Kužel | A note on the Thomassen conjecture |
#9 | 18/12/2002 | Kňourek, Kužel, Sitera | Clustery na ZČU |
#8 | 12/12/2002 | Přemek Holub | Distance coloring and distance local connectivity |
#7 | 5/12/2002 | Roman Čada | Algoritmy s linearní složitostí pro třídu claw-free a net-free grafů |
#6 | 28/11/2002 | Zdeňek Ryjáček | Sum Labellings |
#5 | 14/11/2002 | Chuanping Chen | Discrete mathematics in China |
#4 | 7/11/2002 | Roman Čada | Dominating Cycles in DCT Graphs |
#3 | 10/10/2002 | Tomas Kaiser | Spanning spiders |
#2 | 3/10/2002 | Joe Ryan | Iterations of eccentric digraphs |
#1 | 3/10/2002 | Mirka Miller | Degree/Diameter problem |